Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wii Wars

So, we have the greatest time playing the Wii, especially when family, friends and neighbors come over. I've never been one to be good at video games but I am pretty decent at tennis, bowling and even boxing. I've beat Phillip at bowling (something that never happens in real life)! Here are a few pics our version of Wii Wars.

I never thought I'd see Nancy Martinez, Pastor Ruben's wife punching the air to win a boxing round. It was hilarious! She called me a week later to tell me she was still sore.

This weekend was also a lot of fun as we battled Phillip's cousin Kris and her husband Patrick.
Here's a little cousin on cousin rivalry.Kris Won!

Time to redeem the family.

I kicked everyone's butt in boxing!

It was ladies night - we beat the boys in almost everything.


Elizabeth said...

Yeah! We loved playing with the Wii. Patrick brought it to the beach when we went in June. Josh's uncle has been searching high & low so that he can bring it to our vacation next week. I loved playing the tennis! The boxing was really fun but incredibly exhausting! It reminded me of when you, Jamie & I played at Jillian's. Maybe I'll have to get a wii for Josh for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

About Wii Wars ummm people may get the wrong idea! Nancy