Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Hole In Our Hearts

Today I talked to a friend who is considering living her life for Christ. She expressed the emptiness, hunger and unsatisfaction she has experienced in her life - the "God-shaped hole" in her heart. I was greatly touched as she explained how God has started to satisfy her hunger and thirst for him. As a child I often heard people talk about how there comes a time in everyone's life in which only God can quench our thirst. We acknowledge that something is missing. I myself experience that on a daily basis but I really wondered how it works with nonbelievers. Today my friend reminded me that God created us all, believers and nonbelievers. We not only have to acknowldge we need God but we have to be honest enough to admit it and accept it. This is where the line is drawn. Do we accept our depraved state or do we pretend it does not exist? Do we allow God to complete us or do we resort to all else the enemy offers for "fulfillment?"


Faith said...

Hmmmmm... this is a really thought-provoking entry.

j.j. said...

Hi Imee,
Thanks for visiting my blog! Lydia is a wonderful blessing and we enjoy her more and more every day. Are you planning to come here after J & L's baby is born?

Elizabeth said...

I finally answered your question on my blog, Imee. I have read your blog before, I just didn't commentar. :-) Hope you are doing well.