Monday, October 26, 2009

Have you ever . . . . .?

Have you ever stood at the top of a hill admiring creation and thought "It had to have been God who created all this."? Have you ever been so amazed at your circumstances or situation and thought "Only God could have orchestrated this."?

It's so easy for a person as myself to walk through this life taking everything for granted. I believe this is one of the reasons God is working (in mysterious ways) on me, my husband and our marriage. We are specifically dealing with "infertility" issues. Many years and a considerable amount of tests later we've come to find out that we have no known medical issues preventing us from getting pregnant. This has caused us to slow down and really question a lot of things. I know that if God would have granted me a baby the moment I first wanted one I would have taken that for granted too. And now I know that if he ever graces us with a child that I will love and appreciate that baby so much more than the old Imee ever could.

There are so many people God has brought into our lives in the past few years that have given us much love and encouragement. I have shared our burden with many of you and I've decided to share our journey and prayer requests through this blog.

Here's our checklist and today's update:
1. Ovulation - check
2. Sperm analysis - check
3. Timed Intercourse - check
4. Hormone tests - check
5. HSG - check (clear tubes)
6. Lots of prayer - check, check, check!

Today I went for one more test, an ultrasound. It was actually very cool! I got to see what my uterus and ovaries look like. In the words of the technician "This is a perfectly normal ultrasound, uterus is great, ovaries are perfect!"

We kinda saw that one coming!

What's next you say? We don't have all the answers but no matter what comes, some day I hope to be able to tell our children that it had to have been God who brought them to us. I'll write more tomorrow.

Meanwhile, keep us in your prayers. Also, feel free to leave your words of advice or encouragement! I know I'm going to really need you guys.


Josie said...

I cant get over how God writes our stories for His glory. God's will is perfect, good and acceptable...I dont always like it and at times I feel like really God You think I can do this....And then I remember I can do all things thru Christ who strengthen me and He did not give me a spirit of fear but of courage....
Love you and will join you in prayer,

Anonymous said...

Sooooo true!!! What an awesome thing to be able to tell your children. "It was certainly God who brought you to us, my little darling!" I feel the same way. Should I ever be blessed to be a mommy...that's my sentiments exactly!!! :) Love You! God's timing is PERFECT!!! :)

~Heather :)

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right in saying that if things come easy, we may not appreciate them as much as God may desire us to, for whatever purpose this serves in his wonderful plan. I am really inspired by the way you and Phil are waiting on the Lord for answers, and they will come at just the right time. The important thing is that you are both healthy individuals whom God has blessed tremendously. I will pray for you and keep you close to my heart. Love, Mari

I pray blessings upon your home

ashley said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey through this blog!! I hope that it touches others & helps you too in the process!! We love you guys & are praying for you!! Know that you are not alone in this journey!! You are an amazing woman of God & God's will for you & your family will be revealed in HIS perfect timing!!

Imee Elizabeth said...

Ashley, you inspired me to do this the last time we spoke. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. God has used you to help me through this.