Saturday, December 06, 2008

Christmas Time is Here!

We bought our first real Christmas tree this year. I also tried my hand at crafting bows and wreaths and I was quite successful. Almost all our decorations are new and I had a great time shopping for bargains. We were supposed to host Christmas this year but there was a change of plans. So hopefully our neighbors and small group buddies will enjoy our cozy and heart warming home!

Notice the tree above the entry. It was sure scary up there.


Elizabeth said...

so cute, Imee! I can't believe you put a tree above your entry like that! I bet it looks awesome from the street! Your wreath (and tree) look wonderful!

ashley said...

Your home looks beautiful! You did a great job on the bows & the wreath! I'm impressed!

Momma Bewtch said...

I love the entryway tree! That looks so great!