With all the jobs in the world I never imagined I would be teaching summer school . . . . but I am! You probably think I am completely insane, especially since I have been wanting to change careers. Let's just say that one of the reasons I am doing this is "Because Dave Ramsey said so!" We are doing the "Financial Peace University" course at our church and we are really motivated to finish paying off our debt. One of Ramsey's suggestions is to work an extra job. Summer school only lasts about 16 days and the pay is pretty good so it was the perfect opportunity. Not to mention the fact that the job fell into my lap by some miracle of God. So, I have been really busy with that - the days are arduous but very rewarding.
Although I've been working we've still had some time to do some family and friends stuff.
Last weekend one of our small group couples got baptized. We are so blessed to have been part of this special day.
The boyz at a fellowship night playing Mario Cart.

Eric giving Andrea a ride on his Harley.

More to come!