I just got back from a super cool girls reunion in Georgia. Thanks to Elizabeth, the initiator, we plan to see each other once a year. When Elizabeth's parents lived in the Valley meeting there was so convenient for all of us. Now her parents live in Mexico and she no longer frequents "El Valle" as much. For those of you who don't know our story, I met Liz at Iglesia Biblica when we were just kids. As time passed we developed a life long friendship. Jamie came into our lives when we were a bit older. We were damas in each other's Quinceaneras, went to many summer camps, and shared many other precious moments. Our reunions are always full of laughter and long walks down memory lane.

Time has passed and we have grown up. Liz is a wonderful wife, mother and homemaker. Jamie is an accomplished nurse traveling the world with "Operation Smiles" and is starting Grad school in the fall. (Molly Sims was with her group on the last trip.)
Our trip consisted of lounging, exercising, gaming, blogging, sightseeing, etc.
One night we went to a Jillian's and played the night away. Jamie is really good at this boxing game. Liz was pretty good herself. I failed miserably. Maybe I'll train to do better next year.

Another day we went to one of Atlanta's newest attractions. It was really neat. We spent our day exploring the different parts of the aquarium and learning about marine life.

On our trip we had the privilege of seeing Becky when she came over for dinner. She filled us in on her recent wedding.

One of the hightlights of the trip was meeting sweet little Kate! She definitely has mommy's personality - very loving and friendly. She was extremely well behaved and cooperative. Here she is wearing an outfit Auntie Imee got for her.

Overall the trip was awesome. We had a great time catching up. Thanks girls and see ya next year in Austin.